Unpopular Wars: How To Win Friends And Influence People

The 9-11 attacks and the related misinformation/propaganda campaign were designed by the government to precipitate the lingering war in Iraq, so that we could get thousands of our men and women killed and thousands of Iraqi civilians killed to make the U.S. more popular and make the current administration more popular, which has worked like a charm.

--From SawyerHome.net’s What I Learned from
9-11 Conspiracy Theories

How To Get Stuff Done...

The government has a track record of blowing up its own buildings to push its own nefarious agenda, like they did in the Oklahoma City bombing and the 1993 WTC attack, because, you know, those attacks enabled the government to, you know,... do stuff, and stuff. So you can see this isn't a new idea for them.

--From SawyerHome.net’s What I Learned from
9-11 Conspiracy Theories

Government Badge? You Are Evil!

Any information that comes from the government is suspect, because everybody knows that "the government" is one vast conspiracy utterly controlled by a small number of evil-doers, not made up of millions of honest, hard-working people, at all levels of bureaucracy, of all ages, of all parties, of all walks of life, each fighting in their own way for truth, justice, and the American way.

--From SawyerHome.net’s What I Learned from
9-11 Conspiracy Theories

"Now, Why Can't I Get Tenure Again?"

If I am on the faculty of a university, and I use the university's good name and my position in the university as a crutch to substantiate my claims of a 9-11 mega-conspiracy, expecting my learned colleagues to believe and support me, I will get a harsh dose of reality when I am slapped down to administrative leave as my continued employment at said university is reconsidered.

--From SawyerHome.net’s What I Learned from
9-11 Conspiracy Theories

Goodbye NIST...Hello PowerPoint

Since verbose, difficult-to-read scientific reports contradict my claims of conspiracy, I'll use a different approach: Nothing says "Science" like lots of photos, drawings, and short captions in a PowerPoint or Flash animation backed by spooky "conspiracy music."

--From SawyerHome.net’s What I Learned from 9-11 Conspiracy Theories


Disagreement between government reports and eyewitness accounts do not mean that the individuals witnessed the same event; they only mean that the accounts that don't agree with my paranoid point of view are lies as part of the government cover-up, are mass hallucinations, or, just to be thorough, both.

--From SawyerHome.net’s What I Learned from 9-11 Conspiracy Theories

You say a few degrees I say more degrees...Let's call the whole thing off!

If there is disagreement on the approach angle and bank of the plane hitting the Pentagon in an official report and from online bloggers, then we can safely assume that the plane, in fact, did not exist.

--From SawyerHome.net’s What I Learned from
9-11 Conspiracy Theories